Sunday, November 17, 2013

#6 Steve Jobs' talk

In the address, Jobs used three stories to tell all students who is gonna graduate from Standford that how to find what they wanna do, and just follow their hearts to do anything they wanna do. The first story tells us that someday we will know everything what we've learned are actually connected. Maybe we can't connect what we learned now, but we will know them how to be connected in the future when we look backward. Second, the story tells that we may lose many things in our whole life, but that is not a bad thing completely. When we lose something, it represents that we must get something back in the meantime. So it's not too awful. Just like that Jobs was fired by Apple, but he found what he really love to do. He devoted to do what he loved and kept doing all things which he was passionate about. Nevertheless, if you haven't found what you wanna do or love to do, just keep looking. You will definitely find it. In the last story, it's talk about death. Everyone must encounter the step of death, No one has ever escaped it. Life time is really short, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. All we need to do is follow our hearts and intuition. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. Because we already know that what kind of person we will be, everything else is not that important. This speech is really helpful for college students who still don't know what they wanna do, and how to do in the future. So do I. After listening to the speech, I have a little bit thought about my future. I treasure up Steve Jobs words.