Saturday, September 28, 2013

#2 Dictionary Exercise: Secret Taxi Driver

1. cabbie or cabby (n.) : a cab driver(informal)

  e.g. His career is a cabby.

2. incognito (adv.) : having one's identify concealed, as under an assumed name, especially to avoid notice

  e.g. He donates incognito every year.

3. astonished (adj.) : fill with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder

  e.g. We all are astonished at the news for his death.

4. moonlight (v.) : to work at an additional job after one's regular

  e.g. I wanna moonlight to earn more money.

5. rusty (adj.) : out of practice; impaired in skill or knowledge by inaction or neglect

  e.g. My English is a bit rusty cause I haven't been reading it for a long time.

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